Bust of Speaker Carl Albert to be Placed in the Capitol


Date: Nov. 14, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Congresswoman Kendra Horn (OK-5) today announced the placement of a bust of House Speaker Carl Albert, a Bugtussle, Oklahoma, native who served as Speaker from 1971 to 1977, in the U.S. Capitol. The bust was first unveiled in 2004, but was later moved to storage. Congresswoman Horn led the effort to restore the bust's display and will host a placement ceremony on Monday, Nov. 18.

"Speaker Carl Albert is remembered today as a leader who always put Oklahoma and the American people first and who fought to maintain the integrity of our democracy during the trying era of Watergate and the Vietnam War. I have long admired Speaker Albert for his ability to create connections, rise above rhetoric, and lead the House with strength and dignity during one of the most challenging times in our nation's history." said Congresswoman Horn. "It is my hope that Speaker Albert's bust will remind Members of Congress of what patriotism really means, putting service over self, putting people over partisanship, and doing what is best for our democracy. Speaker Albert's legacy is one that Oklahoma should be proud of and one that our nation should remember."

Speaker Albert remains Oklahoma's highest serving federal official and is the only House Speaker from the state. Dubbed the "Little Giant" for his diminutive stature and outsized accomplishment, Speaker Albert was first elected to Congress in 1946 and represented his birthplace for thirty years in the House. The portrait bust of Speaker Albert was donated to the House by the artist, Paul Moore, a fellow Oklahoman.

The placement ceremony for Speaker Albert's bust will take place on Monday, Nov. 18, at 4:00PM outside of the Members' Dining Room. Affiliates of Oklahoma media outlets interested in joining the unveiling ceremony should RSVP to Communications Director Chris MacKenzie at chris.mackenzie@mail.house.gov.
